What is Chi Gung?
Chi Gung simply means working with Energy. There are many systems, many schools and there are countless variations on a theme, but all seek to integrate the body with the mind and the spirit. With continued practice the movements can promote health and wellbeing, strengthening the body, calming the mind and settling the chi.
The hardest thing about realizing the benefits of Tai Chi and Chi Gung is making the time for regular practice.
I run regular online or face to face classes for everyone to experience these benefits, as follows:
Beginners face to face class - Wednesdays 7.15pm - 8.15pm - At Stanpit Village Hall - see advert below for full info. Advanced class 8.15pm to 9.15pm.
Monthly Online Memberships
White Dragon Warriors - £10pm
On demand Chi Gung + General Tai Chi
Red Dragon Warriors - £20pm
Live zoom class, face to face class
Chi Gung + General Tai Chi
Black Dragon Warriors - £20 pm
Invitation only on completion of Short Yang
Includes a further zoom online Tai Chi class
All Dragon Warriors
A general Tai Chi Session on Mondays 11am to 11.30am suitable for all levels
Red & Black Dragon Warriors
Mon - Fri early morning Chi Gung 7am to 7.30am on zoom and facebook live.
If you don’t like to get up that early, or those times don’t fit in with your schedule, but would still like to play, the links to the weekly sessions are posted on Fridays so you can pick them up at your leisure.
Not sure if it’s for you?
The only way to know for sure is to give it a try, which is why I’m offering a 14 day free trial on membership, so you can give it a go and see if you like it.